Mid-South Legal Assistance

A Low Cost Alternative To An Attorney
When An Attorney Isn't Absolutely Necessary

If you don't need a lawyer's advice
Don't pay a lawyer's high price!

24 Hour Divorce Information is Below!

Some of the services I can offer you include assistance with Uncontested Divorces where both parties agree on the terms and will sign, bankruptcy, wills, deeds of trust, warranty deeds, residential leases, name change petitions, step parent adoptions and contracts. I can also assist you in repairing your credit rating, obtaining your records from various agencies and I may also be able to assist you in Landlord-Tenant matters if you are facing an eviction. In addition, I can assist you if you are trying to get Disability, SSI or Social Security benefits among many other services including Immigration.

I am not an attorney and cannot offer you legal advice or assist you in either a criminal matter or a matter that is judicially involved. I am a Legal Document Specialist and can assist you in many legal matters. I am a graduate of The National Paralegal Academy, I hold an Associates of Science Degree in Legal Studies and I worked for one of the leading Law Firms in Memphis Tennessee for an extended period of time and have been a Practicing Paralegal since 1990. I am also a member of the Tennessee Bar Association.

Please call me to set up an appointment to see if I can be of assistance to you. If I cannot help you, I will do my best to refer you to an attorney that can.

Feel free to check below for a list of services I can do for you!
You can send payment by regular mail using a Personal Check, Money Order or Cashier's Check. We also accept a bank draft.

Please feel free to send me an email with any questions you may have or to request further information to Mid-South Legal Assistance

If you are ready to order and would rather make arrangement for payment, send me an email to Order

Uncontested Divorce - No Children Or Property $159.00
Uncontested Divorce With Children - No Property $195.00
Uncontested Divorce With Children & Property $235.00
Bankruptcy $249.00
Quitclaim Deed $20.00
Warranty Deed $20.00
Simple Will - Individual $20.00
Simple Will - Couple $35.00
General Power Of Attorney $20.00
Special Power Of Attorney $25.00
Living Will & Durable Power Of Attorney $35.00
Residential Lease $20.00
Step Parent Adoption- One Child $225.00
Step Parent Adoption - Two Or More Children $275.00
Name Change $95.00
Incorporation Or LLC $150.00
View Shopping Cart and Check Out

Once I receive notice of your order, I'll mail you the information/client forms for you to complete and return to me which will give me the information I need to prepare your documents. Once I have received this information, I will prepare your documents and send the final papers to you, ready for filing.

I also offer the option of a 24 Hour Divorce. This is a more costly service but it's perfect for those of you who don't want to, or simply can not, wait for your state's waiting period to get your Final Divorce Decree (90-180 days in Tennessee)! Only one signature is required and it is 100% legal and accepted in all 50 states and worldwide under the "Laws Of Comity". My wife and I used this service to divorce our exes in 2000, we then married in October of 2000. Also, my wife is from New Zealand and has just completed the Immigration process to become a permanent resident of the US and our divorces were accepted and recognized by the INS (Immigration & Naturalization Service) which is a branch of the US Department Of Justice! If you are interested in this service, please click here for more information: 24 Hour Divorce Information You can order this service securely online if you wish.

Many more services are available which are quoted & priced on a case by case basic, such as setting up a trust (revocable and irrevocable), detailed wills, 'legal letters' and credit repair starting at only $10 so email me with your information to get a quote.

Since February 15, 2000